Fear to Freedom
3-Part Series
Learn how to create a Liberated Life
So you can truly start living your life in Deep Trust, Joy & Fulfillment
In just 3 sessions of 1 hour you will...
🌺 Feel that you can be free of worry, guilt, blame, stress and fear
🌺 Experience Your Flourishing Self is waiting for you to surrender to her
🌺 Heal your most limiting blockage to make your desire reality
🌺 Get clarity on the steps to take for lasting transformation and unconditional happiness
🦅 Join now and walk your life in Freedom,
being what I call your Natural Flourishing-Self
“Thank you so much, I feel more trust already! And we are just one day in."
This Fear to Freedom 3-Part Series is for you if you:
🌺 Are Ambitious and like to be Free from Limiting Thoughts
🌺 Long to Experience Badass-Flourishment and Being your Authentic self.
🌺 Love A Practical Approach (like I do)
🌺 Want to Become Clear on What’s Blocking you at this Moment
🦅 Long to Live as Close as Possible to Your True Nature
"Thank you! These 3 series where powerful and opening up."
This is not for you if you:
✋🏽 Can’t Take 5 Minutes a Day for Yourself
✋🏽 Are not Ready to Look Inside
✋🏽 Don’t Want to Invest Time, and Energy into Yourself
✋🏽 Believe Badass-Flourishing is Impossible
✋🏽 Are not Interested in Your Mind, Body and Soul, and how they Function.
“Magic comes alive in you when you dare to look inside for transformation instead of looking for change outside of you."
Join This Free 3-Part Series
Say "Yes!" to a free and fulfilling life, full of pleasure.
UPDATE: The live event was a big succes! Sign-up and you will be directed to the Replay page.
Join before the 30 November to get access to the replays.
We will keep you posted, you can always unsubscribe.
"That moved me so much.
Hello New World."
"What a beautiful gift!! This whole 3 days. Wow!! I am amazed. I feel I can start a new life."
"You are so magically good at what you do!"

Hi! My name is Dolores Mae.
In 2006, my body came to a hold, showing me one red flag after the other. I thought I was connected with myself but I was not. This was the start of a deep and long process of coming home to myself.
To take life back and align with my natural gifts.
When I showed up to my childhood traumas my body started to heal. This was the second time my body was healing naturally, all by itself.
This empowering journey led me to the most profound practices and knowledge. From neuroscience, quantum physics, to masters that showed me the way to inner freedom, inner strength and loving myself deeply.
For almost 7 years now, I’m helping others to heal themselves and surrender to their Natural Fourishing Self.
I am looking forward to see you on November 16th, 21st and 23rd and give you my #1 secrets so you can actually experience lasting transformation.
Love, Dolores Mae.
More than 600 people have been experiencing this 3-part series, this is what they say:
Wow, what a beautiful first session sweet, beautiful, wise Dolores! What a gift to be able to be here! Your soft, connecting energy is magical💫 Thank you for this special experience 🙏🏽"
"That was beautiful and interesting tonight 🙏🏽 You do it really good such a session, see you tomorrow 😘"
"That was beautiful yesterday dear Do. I feel so much power in what you put down 💜🌟."
"You were awesome yesterday!"
"I went back to a childhood memory I didn’t know I had."
"I felt so much. Happiness, pain, never went so deep"
"Hard to explain, but it felt like I stept into my own blueprint."
"Feeling lighter and close to myself. It was super powerful as my body started to react, moving."
"Magical experience, felt so much energy, light, freedom and also grief."
"It was magical. Feel so much trust, bliss, lightness. I now understand more of my patterns."
"I feel more connected with myself than before, very grateful thank you!!!"
"Wow. I went back to painful moments from childhood I forgot, and it is released now."
"May I (again) thank you deeply for this special healing 💚 what an incredibly beautiful structure, insights, experiences, consciousness, sensations, liberation and discharge. Really magical 🌟!!!
"Thank you so much for the inspiration!!!"
"Thank you so much for doing these 3 sessions. Really so much value and I really enjoyed it a lot."
"Very good 🙏🏽😘"
"So much value, it’s been amazing."
"Thank you so much, I had today such a good conversation with my husband after a long time. It was all after the mediation yesterday."
"Thank you very much for the past 3 sessions, amazing journey!! You are very special. 💫"
"You are so magically good at what you do!"